cs 07.5
FIFTEEN New Year・s morning 1969・I opened the year on a happy note. Frank Holt had just been reelected to the supreme court, only two years after his defeat in the governor・s race ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:52 191 0 2004-9-14 22:52
cs 07
FOURTEEN Ispent September getting ready for Oxford, saying good-bye to friends, and watching the presidential campaign unfold. I was eligible for the draft so I checked in with the local board chairm ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:49 192 0 2004-9-14 22:49
cs 06.8
On August 22, the convention claimed its first victim, a seventeen-year-old Native American shot by police who claimed he fired on them first near Lincoln Park, where the people gathered every day. Tw ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:46 208 0 2004-9-14 22:46
cs 06.7
When we pulled up in front of the house, Bo was sitting on his porch. He shook hands with Fulbright and me, said he・d been expecting him, and invited us in for a visit. It was an old-fashioned ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:45 190 0 2004-9-14 22:45
cs 06.5
THIRTEEN My senior year was a strange combination of interesting college life and cataclysmic personal and political events. As I look back on it, it seems weird that anyone could be absorbed in so m ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:37 197 0 2004-9-14 22:37
cs 06
TWELVE Along toward the end of my junior year, it was election time again. I had decided a year or so earlier that I would run for president of the student council. Though I had been away from campus ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:33 197 0 2004-9-14 22:33
cs 05.5
ELEVEN Acouple of days after Lee Williams called I was packed and ready to drive back to Washington in a gift. Since my new job required me to get to Capitol Hill every day, Mother and Daddy gave me ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:32 198 0 2004-9-14 22:32
cs 05
TEN After my sophomore year I went home without a job but with a clear idea of what I wanted to do. It was the end of an era in Arkansas・after six terms, Orval Faubus wasn・t running for ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:30 190 0 2004-9-14 22:30
cs 04.5
NINE The summer ended too quickly, as all childhood summers do, and on September 12 Mother and I flew to Washington, where we would spend a week sightseeing before I started freshman orientation. I d ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:26 197 0 2004-9-14 22:26
cs 04
SEVEN High school was a great ride. I liked the schoolwork, my friends, the band, DeMolay, and my other activities, but it bothered me that Hot Springs・ schools still weren・t integrated ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:23 191 0 2004-9-14 22:23
cs 03
SIX Idon・t know how Mother handled it all as well as she did. Every morning, no matter what had happened the night before, she got up and put her game face on. And what a face it was. From the ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:22 189 0 2004-9-14 22:22
cs 02.5
FIVE In 1956, I finally got a brother, and our family finally got a television set. My brother, Roger Cassidy Clinton, was born on July 25, his father・s birthday. I was so happy. Mother and Da ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:21 189 0 2004-9-14 22:21
cs 02
THREE After the year in New Orleans, Mother came home to Hope eager to put her anesthesia training into practice, elated at being reunited with me, and back to her old fun-loving self. She had dated ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:19 191 0 2004-9-14 22:19
cs 01
To my mother, who gave me a love of life To Hillary, who gave me a life of love To Chelsea, who gave joy and meaning to it all And to the memory of my grandfather, who taught me to look up to people ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-14 22:17 195 0 2004-9-14 22:17
changda89 !全国!超低价销售全新电脑配件
尊敬买商:  你好! 我香港信和集团长期销售原装进口手机;电脑配件;投影机, 轿车及数码产品。内存KINGSTON 256MB DDR(333)140元 现代 SDRAM 256MB 130元 CPUP4 2.0G(盒) 540元 Intel 4 2.4C(散)GHz 590元.其它型号 ...
最后发表: changda89@ 2004-9-10 19:51 197 0 2004-9-10 19:51
逍遥 ▲▲▲▲▲苏州的骨灰级BOSS帮忙 ▲▲▲▲
价格控制在3000左右。求助: 电脑配置+网络接入方式+电脑商场地点AND SO ON 。
吐血感谢!!! ...
最后发表: 逍遥@ 2004-9-6 15:44 201 0 2004-9-6 15:44
wuxinwei 各种在线网络游戏点卡!!
最后发表: wuxinwei@ 2004-9-5 15:58 191 0 2004-9-5 15:58
cs .
[新世纪]江泽民的历史问题和入党时间的几大疑点 类型:中国大地 | 阅读:1029 | 评论:0 | 发布人: | 来源: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 吕加平 (作者按: ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-5 00:15 198 0 2004-9-5 00:15
jeduer soho一簇~
soho一簇~ 既然发心思写了出来,为什么不让它发表出来,何况还有稿酬 本编辑部(为众多杂志社供稿如:《可乐》杂志、《女友》、《男生女生》、《知音》杂志、《青春树》杂志、《中国青年报.数码 ...
最后发表: jeduer@ 2004-9-2 21:14 187 0 2004-9-2 21:14
cs .
《五,小芳》 小芳几乎同嘉英是同时来日本的,来之前在日语的夜校学了3个月。本来应该会一点简单的对话的,但是为了申请留学的护照,当时一定要先辞职,也就是说如果没有单位的退职证明书不受理办理护照的。 根据 ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-2 02:02 186 0 2004-9-2 02:02


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