cs 27
When he left, I still had no idea what Arafat was going to do. His body language said no, but the deal was so good I couldn・t believe anyone would be foolish enough to let it go. Barak wanted m ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:25 196 0 2004-9-15 01:25
cs 26.9
As the Florida vote battle began, it was clear that we had picked up four seats in the Senate and one in the House. Three incumbent House Republicans were defeated, including Jay Dickey, who lost to M ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:24 196 0 2004-9-15 01:24
cs 26.8
I spent the first couple of days trying to get Arafat and Barak in the right frame of mind, while Madeleine, Sandy, Dennis, Gemal Helal, John Podesta, and the rest of our team began working with their ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:23 190 0 2004-9-15 01:23
cs 26.6
Hillary gave a terrific speech, one she had written carefully and practiced hard; it displayed how much she had learned about the concerns of the different regions of the state and how clearly she und ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:23 175 0 2004-9-15 01:23
cs 26.4
There was also good news in Northern Ireland, where George Mitchell had reached an agreement with the parties to proceed simultaneously with a new government and decommissioning with the support of To ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:20 182 0 2004-9-15 01:20
cs 26.2
FIFTY-THREE In early June, I gave a radio address to increase awareness of mental-health issues with Tipper Gore, whom I had named my official advisor for mental health and who recently had courageou ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:18 177 0 2004-9-15 01:18
cs 26
In April, the Kosovo conflict intensified as we extended the bombing to downtown Belgrade, hitting the Interior Ministry, Serbia・s state television headquarters, and Milosevic・s party he ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:17 184 0 2004-9-15 01:17
cs 25.5
FIFTY-ONE On January 7, Chief Justice William Rehnquist officially opened the impeachment trial in the Senate, and Ken Starr indicted Julie Hiatt Steele, the Republican woman who wouldn・t lie ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:16 197 0 2004-9-15 01:16
cs 25
FIFTY Within a week of the election, two high-profile Washington politicians announced they wouldn・t run again, and we were in the teeth of a new crisis with Saddam Hussein. Newt Gingrich stun ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:15 197 0 2004-9-15 01:15
cs 24.6
A few days later, Vaclav Havel came to Washington for a state visit, telling the press I was his :great friend.; As the press continued to ask questions about impeachment, resignation, and whether I ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:14 185 0 2004-9-15 01:14
cs 24.3
FORTY-NINE On Saturday morning, August 15, with the grand jury testimony looming and after a miserable, sleepless night, I woke up Hillary and told her the truth about what had happened between me an ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:13 184 0 2004-9-15 01:13
cs 24
Craig said those things were possible and urged me to read Richard Preston・s new novel,The Cobra Event, a thriller about a mad scientist・s efforts to reduce the world・s population ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 01:12 190 0 2004-9-15 01:12
cs 23.9
The saga continued into March. My deposition in the Jones case was leaked, obviously by someone on the Jones side. Although the judge had repeatedly warned the Rutherford Institute lawyers not to leak ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 00:49 195 0 2004-9-15 00:49
cs 23.8
After a two-year hiatus, our family went back to Martha・s Vineyard for our August vacation. We stayed at the home of our friend Dick Friedman near Oyster Pond. I celebrated my birthday by going ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 00:48 198 0 2004-9-15 00:48
cs 23.5
An ambulance took me on the forty-minute drive to St. Mary・s Hospital, a Catholic institution the White House medical team had chosen because it had an excellent emergency room. I was there for ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 00:47 189 0 2004-9-15 00:47
cs 23.3
FORTY-SEVEN On the day after the election, I was back at the White House for a celebration on the South Lawn with my staff, cabinet, other appointees, campaign workers, and Democratic Party officials ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 00:44 191 0 2004-9-15 00:44
cs 23
The rest of August was taken up with bill signings, the party conventions, and a positive development in Whitewater World. With the election approaching and the budget fight at least temporarily resol ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 00:43 187 0 2004-9-15 00:43
cs 22.7
On April 3, with springtime in full bloom in Washington, I was working in the Oval Office when I received word that the air force jet carrying Ron Brown and a U.S. trade and investment delegation he h ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 00:41 194 0 2004-9-15 00:41
cs 22.5
Lewis once again repeated her claim that her investigation was thwarted after I was elected. Richard Ben-Veniste, the committee・s minority counsel, confronted her with evidence that, contrary t ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 00:39 203 0 2004-9-15 00:39
cs 22.2
FORTY-FIVE Saturday, November 4, started out to be a hopeful day. The Bosnian peace talks had begun three days earlier at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, and we had just won a vote i ...
最后发表: cs@ 2004-9-15 00:38 197 0 2004-9-15 00:38


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